Japan's Nihon Hidankyo Receives Nobel Peace Prize for Anti-Nuclear Activism

Japan’s Nihon Hidankyo Receives Nobel Peace Prize for Anti-Nuclear Activism

Japan's Nihon Hidankyo Receives Nobel Peace Prize for Anti-Nuclear Activism

And in 2024, the Nobel Peace Prize was given to Nihon Hidankyo in Japan, an organization of hibakusha—survivors of U.S. nuclear bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Recognizing Jackie and Michel Joannès for their persistent work educating on the dangers of nuclear weapons, as concerns rise across the globe with no signs of global nuclear disarmament happening soon.

Nihon Hidankyo’s battle against nuclear weapons

Nihon Hidankyo, established in 1956 to support atomic bombing and nuclear test survivors, or hibakusha. It is a group that has called for the eradication of nuclear weapons for many years both before and since the nuclear bombings, emphasizing the human misery which they inflict. The other side of this year’s coin is their dedication to peace and the elimination of nuclear weapons, a cause that has led to the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Growing U.S. Fears Over Nuclear Threats

The Norwegian Nobel Committee said that it was a timely decision in view of the fresh nuclear threat faced by many nations. Alarmingly, Russian President Vladimir Putin has signaled a lowering of the threshold for nuclear use by changing his nation’s nuclear doctrine. The aim of the committee is that the award should bolster the taboo against weapons of mass destruction, particularly with regard to nuclear arms.

Survivors’ Hope for Peace

When informed, Tomoyuki Mimaki of Nihon Hidankyo’s Hiroshima branch was equally shocked and thankful. Despite painful memories, survivors have kept hope alive and worked for global peace in order to give their experiences meaning, revealing the incredible strength and potential of people who strive for a world free of nuclear weapons.

Honoring the Anti-Nuclear Heritage

The Nobel Peace Prize has a history of acknowledging efforts to abolish nuclear weapons. Previous recipients include the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) in 1997, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) in 2017 and Joseph Rotblat and the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs jointly in 1995 for their work of promoting disarmament through their efforts to reduce the role of nuclear arms in international politics.

The Current State of Global Warfare and Nuclear Risks

The prize comes against the backdrop of open-ended conflicts in places including the Middle East and Ukraine, where concerns of nuclear escalation figure prominently. The Nobel committee underlined the importance of the taboo against nuclear use in its award citation.

Global Reactions

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen welcomed the prize, saying “the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are still a heavy burden on our hearts.” U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres congratulated the hibakusha for their tireless actions and called on world leaders to declare nuclear weapons as the greatest threat against world peace.


This was underlined by Nihon Hidankyo’s Nobel Peace Prize. As global tensions mount, their very existence has never been more vital in the struggle to avert nuclear Armageddon.

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